Pancha in Sanskrit stands for Five and Karma are therapeutic measures thereby meaning five types of therapeutic measures. These are undertaken for the purification of the body & Ayurveda consider it necessary before the start of any other therapy. The logic being - as a cloth needs to be purified or cleaned of impurities and dust before it can be imparted a new color. Similary body needs to be purified before it can be imparted new colors of your yuthfulness, health and vigor etc. In fact most of the times, panchkarma is an end in itself rather than prelude to other therapeutic measures.
The panchakarma therapy of Ayurveda comprises the five basic types of advanced treatment for evacuation of vitiated Dosha (Toxic Material) for the body.One can consider this is a cleansing program of the toxins from the body. There are so many types of this therapy and different types of herbal massages, for mentation's like steam, external oil teratments, Basti(medicated enemas), Virechana (emesis through herbs), Nasya ( Nasal administration of oil) etc. are incorporated. these practises are extremly helpfu in reliveing deep seated diseases as well as it is also beneficial for maintaining and improving physical & mental health. Acording to ayurveda every human being is unique phenomenon of cosmic consciousness. The three Dosha (humors) Determines every individual psychosomatic temprament of constitution Vata ( ether plus air), Pitta (Fire plus water) and Kapha (Water plus Earth) are called Tridosha, meaning the Three Dosha. The internal enviroment is governed by Vata-Pitta-Kapha (V-P-K) which is constantly reacting to the external enviroment.